Saturday 29 June 2013

Diode PN Junction Explained

I never felt like I properly understood how the PN junction in a diode works. So I looked it up and came across some explanations that really helped me understand it better. I've put it all into a diagram. But let's introduce some of the concepts first.

A diode is made of a semiconductor (like Silicon) with two regions. The semiconductor makes up a crystal. One region in the crystal has been doped with atoms that have a spare electron when in the crystal lattice. It is known as the N region. The other region in the crystal has been doped with atoms that have spare room for an electron when in the crystal lattice (the spare spots are known as holes). It is known as the P region. That's where the name PN junction comes from.

The N region with its spare electrons conducts via movement of these spare electrons (the electrons are the charge carriers in an N region). The electrons are the charge carriers. Conversely, the P region conducts via the movement of the 'holes' (the holes are the charge carriers in a P region). As an aside, undoped semiconductors don't conduct as well because they don't have mobile charge carriers.

An important note to remember is that while the regions may be called N and P, this does not mean that they are overall positively or negatively charged. The regions have an overall neutral charge. Following on from that, if you were to take away the electrons in an N region, the crystal structure would be positively charged. The opposite would occur if you filled the holes in a P region with electrons.

So, with that explanation, here's the diagram:
So the depletion region gives a potential barrier (from the fixed charges). The width of the depletion region (and thus also the size of the potential barrier) depends on the applied potential (in effect, it depends on the direction of the attempted flow of current).

Thanks to:

Saturday 22 June 2013

Hard to Find Excel Tidbit

A short post this week. I recalled that there was a syntax for Excel ranges in VBA. I searched online, but couldn't find much, so here is the tidbit: Ranges can be specified using square brackets. If you used named ranges a lot, this turn out quite nice. So if you have a named range called ImportantInfo, you can refer to it as ... [ImportantInfo]! And it may not provide the method list when you type a full stop after it, but it IS a range object, so you can use it like this:

    Answer = [ImportantInfo].Offset(RowCount, ColumnCount).Text
    MsgBox "The cell Sheet2!E3 contains """ & [Sheet2!E3] & """."
    Dim Cell As Range
    For Each Cell In [B1:B3]
        MsgBox Cell.Text
    Next Cell

One of the reasons I think it's neat when used for named ranges is that with most named ranges in square brackets, you don't have to specify the sheet to disambiguate it. That makes for shorter, and thus easier to read code.


Saturday 15 June 2013

Linked Lists in VBA (Excel)

I use Microsoft Excel quite a bit. And recently we had a challenge at work to validate lane use signal displays using conflict matrices. Well, I had some Lisp written to generate sequences given a set of allowed 'transitions'. So I wanted to put that logic into Excel, which meant VBA. I thought it would be quick, but it took about two and a half full days of work... Part of porting over my logic was creating a linked list class named "List" in VBA. It is my first VBA class module (yay!). Here's the code in the "Node" class module:

'' Linked Lists in VBA is released under a BSD licence. Author: Jonathan F Johansen
Option Explicit
Public Car As Variant
Public Cdr As List

Public Function ToString() As String
    ToString = "[" & PlainListString() & "]"
End Function

Public Function PlainListString() As String
    If Cdr Is Nothing Then
        PlainListString = CStr(Car)
        PlainListString = CStr(Car) & ", " & Cdr.PlainListString()
    End If
End Function

I had more in the class module, but took most of the methods out of there because I wanted to treat Nothing as the empty list. Here are the functions from a separate module:

'' Linked Lists in VBA is released under a BSD licence. Author: Jonathan F Johansen
Option Explicit

'' Making Lists:

Function Cons(Item As Variant, Optional Rest As List) As List
    Set Cons = New List
    Cons.Car = Item
    Set Cons.Cdr = Rest
End Function

MakeList(ParamArray Items() As Variant) As List
    On Error GoTo ZeroLength ' Leaving MakeList as Nothing.
    Dim I As Long
    For I = UBound(Items) To LBound(Items) Step -1
        Set MakeList = Cons(Items(I), MakeList)
    Next I
End Function

'' Working with Lists

Append(aList As List, OtherList As List) As List
    If aList Is Nothing Then
        Set Append = OtherList
    ElseIf OtherList Is Nothing Then
        Set Append = aList
    ElseIf aList.Cdr Is Nothing Then
        Set Append = Cons(aList.Car, OtherList)
        Set Append = Cons(aList.Car, Append(aList.Cdr, OtherList))
    End If
End Function

Reverse(aList As List, Optional OntoFrontOf As List) As List
    If aList Is Nothing Then
        Set Reverse = OntoFrontOf
        Set Reverse = Reverse(aList.Cdr, Cons(aList.Car, OntoFrontOf))
    End If
End Function

Length(aList As List) As Long
    If aList Is Nothing Then Exit Function 'Returning 0
    Length = 1 + Length(aList.Cdr)
End Function

Member(Item As Variant, aList As List) As Boolean
    If aList Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If aList.Car = Item Then
        Member = True
    ElseIf aList.Cdr Is Nothing Then
        Member = False
        Member = Member(Item, aList.Cdr)
    End If
End Function

Replace(OldItem As Variant, NewItem As Variant, aList As List) As List
    If aList Is Nothing Then
    ElseIf aList.Cdr Is Nothing Then
        If aList.Car = OldItem Then
            Set Replace = Cons(NewItem)
            Set Replace = aList
        End If
        If aList.Car = OldItem Then
            Set Replace = Cons(NewItem, Replace(OldItem, NewItem, aList.Cdr))
            Set Replace = Cons(aList.Car, Replace(OldItem, NewItem, aList.Cdr))
        End If
    End If
End Function

Remove(Item As Variant, aList As List) As List
    If aList Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If Item = aList.Car Then
        Set Remove = Remove(Item, aList.Cdr)
        Set Remove = Cons(aList.Car, Remove(Item, aList.Cdr))
    End If
End Function

Count(Item As Variant, List As List) As Long
    If List Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If List.Car = Item Then Count = 1
    Count = Count + Count(Item, List.Cdr)
End Function

CountMaxConsecutive(Item As Variant, List As List) As Long
    If List Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    Dim Rest As List, Count As Long
    Set Rest = List
    Do Until Rest Is Nothing
        If Rest.Car = Item Then
            Count = Count + 1
            Count = 0
        End If
        If Count > CountMaxConsecutive Then CountMaxConsecutive = Count
        Set Rest = Rest.Cdr
End Function

CellTextToList(aRange As Range) As List
    Dim I As Long
    If IsEmpty(aRange) Then Exit Function
    For I = aRange.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set CellTextToList = Cons(aRange.Cells(I).Text, CellTextToList)
    Next I
End Function

ListToRow(aList As List, Target As Range) As Range
    Dim List As List
    Set List = aList
    Set ListToRow = Target
    Do Until List Is Nothing
        ListToRow = List.Car
        Set ListToRow = ListToRow.Offset(0, 1)
        Set List = List.Cdr
End Function

I found it useful, but it could do with a few more utilities. One interesting thing is that looping over a list isn't to complex, as you can see in the last function above. You just declare a local List variable and then use a Do Until localList Is Nothing, and at the end of the loop body, Set localList = localList.Cdr. If you don't declare a local list, but modify the argument, you'll find that the list is chewed up in the caller's scope too...

Here are some examples of the List in action:
Option Explicit

Sub TestLinkedLists()
    MsgBox Cons("a", Cons("b")).ToString
    MsgBox Length(MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
    MsgBox Reverse(MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).ToString
    MsgBox MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).ToString
    MsgBox Member(4, MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
    MsgBox Member(4, Nothing)
    MsgBox Append(MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4), MakeList(5, 6, 7)).ToString
    MsgBox Replace(4, "four", MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).ToString
    MsgBox Remove(3, MakeList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).ToString
    MsgBox Count(True, MakeList(False,True,True,True,False,True))
    MsgBox CountMaxConsecutive(True, _

                     MakeList(False, True, True, True, False, True))
    MsgBox CellTextToList(Range("A2:A6")).ToString
    MsgBox "List output to B2, range returned is " _
         & ListToRow(CellTextToList(Range("A2:A6")), Range("C2")).Address _
         & " ready to go for something else..."

End Sub

If you've read the code, you might notice the liberal use of recursion, and the use of functional style. I used recursion a lot in the spreadsheet, and I think this List class helped a lot.

The code on this page is collected into an Excel spreadsheet for convenience too. You can download it from here. As noted in the code comments, the code is released under the BSD license - and I'd love to hear from you if you use it or extend it. Enjoy!

Saturday 8 June 2013

Excel Table to Jira Table

Excel table, meet Jira :-). After writing the previous AutoHotkey script to convert the clipboard contents to a comma separated list, I wrote this one. It makes constructing Jira tables a breeze.

;;; Converts a copied table from Excel into Jira format
  StringReplace, ForFirstLine, Clipboard, `r`n, §
  StringSplit, ForFirstLine, ForFirstLine, §
  StringReplace, ForFirstLine1, ForFirstLine1, %A_Tab%, ||, All
  StringReplace, ForFirstLine2, ForFirstLine2, %A_Tab%, |, All
  ForFirstLine2 := RTrim(ForFirstLine2, "`r`n")
  StringReplace, ForFirstLine2, ForFirstLine2, `r`n, |`r`n|, All
  Clipboard := "||" . ForFirstLine1 . "||`r`n|" . ForFirstLine2 . "|"
  Send ^v

To use it, just press Windows+Shift+J (but that's easily changed). It puts double pipes on the first line, and single pipes on other lines.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Clipboard Processing with AutoHotkey

I've been doing a lot of text processing recently, and a lot of it has been to convert a column of cells from Excel into a comma separated list. Well, I used to do that with Notepad++, but last week I bit the bullet and wrote an AutoHotkey script to do it for me. Without further ado, here are the goods:

    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `,%A_Space%, All
    Clipboard := RTrim(Clipboard, ", `n")
; Gets rid of the annoying trailing newline that Office programs put in.
    Send ^v

It will paste the converted clipboard contents when you press Windows+V. Also, I found a way to get text/content copied from MS Office to plain, plain text by removing the trailing newline character.